2022年6月24日,在NKD Maritime Limited v. Bart Maritime (No 2) Inc (Shagang Giant) [2022]EWHC 1615 (Comm)一案中,英格兰及威尔士高等法院商事法庭(以下简称法院)通过对合同约定的“不可抗力条款”进行释义,认定该案中为应对新冠疫情而采取的政府限制措施不构成不可抗力,买方援引不可抗力条款终止合同的行为无效。因此,法院支持了卖方的诉请,判定买方终止合同的行为构成违约,无权要求退还已付首付款。
一、 案件事实背景
Bart公司为将其所有的建造于1993年的“SHAGANG GIANT”号大型矿砂船予以报废,于2020年3月5日与NKD公司签订了一份合同(Memorandum of Agreement),将该船售予NKD公司,约定将船舶从新加坡运至印度阿朗(Alang),由Alang的拆船厂对船舶进行回收。
Clause 2
(a) Delivery Location
The Vessel shall be delivered and taken over safely afloat at outer anchorage Alang, West Coast India, which shall be the “Delivery Location”.
If, on the Vessel’s arrival, the Delivery Location is inaccessible for any reason whatsoever including but not limited to port congestion, the Vessel shall be delivered and taken over by the Buyer as near thereto as she may safely get at a safe and accessible berth or at anchorage which shall be designated by the Buyer, always provided that such berth or anchorage shall be subject to the approval of the Seller which shall not be unreasonably withheld. If the Buyer fails to nominate such place within 24 (twenty four) hours of arrival, the place at which it is customary for vessel (sic) to wait shall constitute the Delivery Location. The delivery of the Vessel according to this paragraph shall constitute full performance of the Seller’s obligations and all other terms and conditions of this Agreement shall apply as if delivery had taken place.
Upon delivery, the Vessel shall be recycled at a Ship Recycling Facility …
(c) Delivery Notices
The Seller and/or their agents will give 5, 3 and 1 (five, three and one) days approximate notice of arrival at the Delivery Location, in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
If for reasons beyond the Seller’s control the Vessel has not arrived at the Delivery Location on or before 1700 hours local time on the Cancelling Date and the Seller and the Buyer have failed, having acted in good faith, to reach mutual agreement on an extension to the Cancelling Date then the Buyer shall have the right to cancel this Agreement provided written or telegraphic notice of such cancellation is given to the Seller by the Buyer within 48 (forty eight) hours after notice of such delay is given by the Seller to the Buyer. …
Clause 10 Force Majeure
Should the Seller be unable to transfer title of the Vessel or should the Buyer be unable to accept transfer of the Vessel both in accordance with this contract due to outbreak of war between the nominated country of delivery and any other country, wreck, actual constructive or compromised total loss of the Vessel, restraint of governments, princes, rulers or people of any nation or the United Nations, act of God, then either the Buyer or the Seller may terminate this Agreement upon written or telegraphic notice from one party to the other without any liability upon either party and the Initial Payment referred to in Clause 1.1. hereof shall be released to the Buyer.
The suspension or termination of the activities of the Ship Recycling Facility shall not constitute a force majeure event under this Agreement and the Buyer agrees to pay for and take delivery of the Vessel in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement and after delivery, the Buyer shall be at liberty to ballast the Vessel to another Ship Recycling Facility … for Recycling.
上述协议签订后,NKD公司向Bart公司支付了合同总价的30%作为首付款(US$4,264,723.13)。然而,2020年3月21日船舶被禁止进入Khambat湾船舶交通管理中心区域(以下简称VTS 区域),因此只得在VTS区域之外抛锚。自3月24日开始,为应对新冠疫情(Covid-19),印度政府采取了包括封锁令在内的限制措施,据此,阿朗的拆船厂船舶回收活动暂停。4月14日,印度首相宣布有关封锁措施将持续到5月3日。期间,涉案船舶始终未能进入VTS区域。
4月14日,NKD公司援引合同第10条提出终止合同,认为印度政府于3月25日开始采取的封锁措施为不可抗力事件且一直持续,致使Bart公司不能依据合同转让船舶所有权,NKD公司不能依据合同接收船舶所有权。4月15日,Bart公司回复,认为不存在不可抗力事件,NKD公司无权据此解除合同,并将NKD公司提出终止合同的行为视为拒绝履约。当日,NKD公司援引合同第2 (c)条再次发出解除合同的通知。
5月6日,Bart公司转而将船舶售予另一家公司(Best Oasis Ltd.),并于5月26日向后者交付了船舶。
二、 双方争议
三、 法院认定
(3)涉案船舶直至4月14日(合同约定解约日为4月15日)仍未能获得许可进入阿朗外锚地的原因是古吉拉特邦污染控制委员会(GPCB)人员被指令全力收集和处理与新冠疫情相关的医疗废物,而且,即使假设船舶进入了外锚地,该机构事实上也无法进行书面材料审查,更无法登轮检验。该等情况足以构成“政府限制”(restraint of governments),但关键问题是该等限制是否导致Bart公司“不能”转让船舶所有权。法院认为,此处的“不能”显著区别于一般条款中使用的“阻碍”或“延误”,也不能仅凭至解约日不能履行的状态就认为“不能”,关键是可能的限制期限是否实质损害了商业冒险。综合考量合同性质和各相关因素后,法官认为,直至4月14日的延误(某种程度上系双方签约时可合理预料到的情况)对Bart公司履约的影响不构成第10条规定的履约“不能”,这些延误没有实质损害商业冒险。假如合同没有被终止,船舶实际上是有望在5月1日左右获得进入VTS区域的许可的。
四、 评论
1. 为报废回收旧船而签署的船舶买卖合同区别于一般的船舶买卖合同,市场上往往没有国际通行文本,合同双方通常根据实际情况定制条款,因此,产生纠纷时,对合同用语的理解和解释尤为关键。本案中,法院即从理性务实的角度对有关合同用语进行分析和解释,尤其是针对合同条款里“Delivery Location”的理解与适用以及上下文中对“transfer of title”与“delivery of vessel”使用上的区别进行分析和推断,具有一定的指导意义。
2. 在全球新冠疫情这个特殊背景下,大部分国家或城市都曾或多或少地采取过与防疫相关的限制措施,即使该等措施对履行合同产生一定影响,但是否可以成功援引不可抗力条款终止合同,仍需要审慎考量。从本案来看,即使认定不可抗力事件(政府限制措施)客观存在,但该等影响是否最终导致履行不能,从维护合同稳定性的角度出发,法院一般都会适用较为严格的审查标准。仅凭相关限制措施在某个时间段短暂地阻碍或延误了合同的履行尚不足以支持认定合同“履行不能”,还应当综合涉案合同性质和各相关因素进行考量。